

Dan Hart



CV接头通常用于前轮驱动(FWD)和全轮驱动(AWD)的汽车和卡车。 恒速(CV)接头用于传动轴的两端,使传动轴向车轮提供旋转动力,同时允许传动轴在车辆经过颠簸时上下移动。 CV接头还允许传动轴向前轮提供动力,使它们能够在转弯时接受电源。

万向节(U-joint)最常用于后轮驱动(RWD)车辆的驱动轴。 U-joints U型接头在传动轴上工作得很好,它允许传动轴向后差速器提供动力,但仍允许差速器在经过颠簸时上下移动。 如果差速器上升20°,两个U型关节就会以相同的角度旋转。


前轮必须上下和左右移动,在一根传动轴上的两个关节之间形成不同的角度。 全轮驱动汽车有两根传动轴,每根传动轴有两个无级变速器关节。 传动轴上的一个无级变速器关节连接到变速器,另一个连接到轮毂。 无级变速器关节使前轮可以上下移动和左右转动。对。

如果这些传动轴有U型接头而不是CV型接头,那么当司机转动车轮时,U型接头必须以不同的角度运作。 事实上,前轮可以转到45°,同时还允许上下移动。 U型接头不能以这些角度运作。 由于角度不那么陡峭,传动轴两端的U型接头会产生循环振动。 越大所以很明显,U型接头不适合作为前轴使用。



有许多风格的CV接头,但三角架和Rzeppa风格的CV Rzeppa CV接头用于驱动轴的轮毂一侧,也叫外接头。 驱动轴的 当轴转动时,它向内圈施加扭矩,内圈将扭矩传给球,然后传给外壳,外壳与轮毂花键连接,以驱动车轮。 整个关节充满润滑脂,并由一个打褶的橡胶套覆盖。 该套是 Rzeppa的CV接头比典型的U型接头或三角接头允许更大的运动范围。

三足式或 "骤降式 "无级变速器由一个外壳组成,也称为郁金香。 传动轴连接到带有轴承的三脚 "蜘蛛 "端。 扭矩从变速器传递到 到郁金香,然后到轴承和蜘蛛。 蜘蛛与驱动轴花键连接,将扭矩传递给外侧的无级变速器。 三脚架接头主要用于驱动轴的传动侧。 它的设计允许驱动轴上下移动,以及进出,以适应车轮在颠簸中行驶时驱动轴的椭圆弧。

See_also: 雪佛兰科沃特P0327



无级变速箱可以维持车辆的寿命,因为它装满了润滑脂。 磨损 "部分是保护性的橡胶套。 随着无级变速箱的老化,它在褶皱之间出现裂缝。 如果这些裂缝打开,无级变速箱将把润滑脂甩出接头。 这时,接头就暴露在水、道路盐和砂砾中。 如果不迅速清洗、重新添加油脂和重新启动接头,砂砾和盐会腐蚀无级变速器的内部结构,导致其振动,发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音,特别是在转弯时,并最终失效。


你有多大的赌性? 这真的很简单。 随着CV接头内部工作的磨损,接头变得不太稳定,驱动轴最终会断裂。 这不是让你陷入困境那么简单。 传动轴通常在旋转时断裂,四处乱晃,损坏它所接触的所有部件。 这可能包括燃料和液体管道断裂,线束损坏或断裂,甚至损坏变速器壳体、动力转向泵或空调压缩机。 简而言之,当一个CV接头失效时,旋转的传动轴如果你是个冒险者,可以带着破损的无级变速箱继续行驶。 否则,就把它送到商店去。 一旦变速箱破损,润滑脂消失,最好用重建的装置更换整个轴。 只更换变速箱是有风险的。

See_also: 丰田凯美瑞无法启动 蓄电池是否良好

©, 2016


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.