

Dan Hart


本田P2647 VTEC系统卡住了


本田公司发布了13-021号服务公告,以解决下列车辆上与VTEC系统有关的几个故障码。 这些故障码是::

- P2646/P2651(摇臂油压开关电路低电压)。

- P2647/P2652(摇臂油压开关电路高电压)。


See_also: 通用汽车关于清洗液的维修公告








2007-11 合身


本田可变汽缸管理(VCM)系统在动力总成控制模块(PCM)的指令下激活摇臂油控制电磁阀(VTEC电磁阀)。 操作时,它对汽缸暂停VTEC系统的液压回路充电或放电。 PCM利用发动机油压(EOP)传感器监测VTEC机构液压回路中的油压如果PCM看到液压回路中的油压状况有差异,则认为系统有故障,并存储一个DTC。



See_also: 2002年GMC Yukon和Yukon Denali保险丝图

VTEC油压开关有一条蓝/黑(BLU/BLK)线。 该开关是常闭的,所以当钥匙在RUN位置时,它将来自PCM的参考电压接地。 PCM监测电压降,以确认该开关是关闭和接地。

当行驶中发动机转速达到约2700转时,PCM给VTEC电磁阀通电,使油压流入进气阀摇臂。 VTEC油压开关感应到油压的变化并打开。 ECM看到电压上升,确认开关不再接地。




检查发动机油位,如果油位过低,加满油,清除代码,然后试车。 如果代码再次出现,用本田开关37250-PNE-G01和O型圈91319-PAA-A01更换油压开关。

Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.