

Dan Hart


诊断一个磨损的轮毂轴承可能很棘手。 许多磨损的轮毂轴承会发出噪音



- 在高速路上发出嗡嗡声。

- 磨削噪音

- 敲击声

See_also: 汽车空调充电的技巧和应避免的错误

- 咆哮的声音

然而,磨损的悬架部件和轮胎也会发出同样的声音。 因此,你的工作是隔离噪音。 一种方法是在笔直的平坦道路上驾驶车辆,建立一个基线噪音。 然后稍微转动车辆(就像你在改变车道),看看噪音是否改变。 另外,增加和减少速度,看看噪音是否随速度变化。

See_also: 2004年吉普车大灯灯泡


大多数车轮轴承在发展到足以在车轮上感觉到游隙之前就开始发出噪音。 当它们磨损到这种程度时,你有时可以感觉到方向盘的振动,并注意到汽车无法保持直线行驶。 有时,车轮轴承过度磨损会导致ABS轮速传感器的问题,你会得到一个间歇性的ABS故障灯,由于掉了轮速传感器的信号。


将车辆放在千斤顶架上,通过以下方式旋转车轮 如果你听到噪音,使用汽车听诊器找到噪音的位置。 将听诊器探针触及转向节。 阅读这篇关于如何使用汽车听诊器的文章


在2点和6点位置抓住轮胎,拉动和推动以检测轮毂运动。 不要将橡胶运动与轮毂运动混淆。





许多轮毂轴承是永久密封的。 但如果密封恶化,润滑脂就会渗漏出来。 所以要检查轴承是否有润滑脂渗漏的迹象。 有密封的轮毂轴承不应该有渗漏的迹象。 如果有,就是坏的。 任何渗漏润滑脂的密封,也是允许水进入轴承的。


如果轮毂轴承是一个单元轴承组件,你必须更换整个单元。 卸下车桥螺母(在前轮驱动车辆上),然后 卸下轮毂的固定螺栓,你





在重新组装新轴承时,你可能犯的最大错误是使用冲击扳手来拧紧轴螺母。 快速的冲击会使滚子或球轴承上的镀铬层脱落,并可能损坏内部滚道。 你不会马上注意到这种损坏,但由于你的冲击造成的损坏,轴承会提前失效。扳手。

因此,用棘轮扳手和套筒用手拧紧车轴螺母,使螺母就位。 然后用扭矩扳手按照规格设置预紧力。 不使用扭矩扳手会导致轴承过早失效!适当的预紧力至关重要!如果预紧力低于规格,轴承会分离。

什么原因导致车轮轴承失效? 请看此帖

©, 2015



Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.