

Dan Hart


2006年福特F150保险丝图,也是Mark LT












1 10 挡风玻璃雨刷电机,仪表盘,音频单元

2 20 指示灯闪光器继电器,制动踏板位置开关

3 7.5 外部后视镜开关,座椅调节开关,驾驶员侧前部,驾驶员座椅模块

4 10 DVD播放器,电动折叠镜模块

5 7.5 动力总成控制模块(PCM)、自动灯/日照传感器、电子手动温度控制(EMTC)模块、电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块

6 15 主灯开关,车身安全模块

7 5 音频单元,数字传输范围(DTR)传感器

8 10 电子手动温度控制(EMTC)模块,电子自动温度控制(EATC)。

9 20 燃油泵继电器

10 20 拖车拖曳继电器,停车灯,拖车拖曳继电器,倒车灯

11 10 A/C离合器继电器,集成轮端电磁铁

12 5 PCM电源继电器 F13 10 电子手动温度控制(EMTC)模块,电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块,指示灯闪光器继电器

14 10 数字传动范围(DTR)传感器,日间行车灯(DRL)继电器,停用开关,空调高压开关,加热曲轴箱正向通风(PCV)阀,ABS控制模块,倒车灯开关,辅助继电器盒1

15 5 地板换档器、超速取消开关、仪表盘、牵引控制开关

16 10 制动踏板位置开关

17 15 雾灯继电器

18 10 泊车辅助模块(PAM),电子罗盘,电致变色内后视镜单元,加热座椅模块,驾驶员侧前方,加热座椅模块,乘客侧前方,车身安全模块,辅助电源点

19 10 乘客安全气囊停用(PAD)开关,座椅重量传感器模块,约束系统控制模块

20 10 辅助电源点

21 15 仪表盘

22 10 音频单元,车顶开启面板开关,门锁开关,乘客侧,门锁开关,驾驶员侧

23 10 头灯,右侧

24 15 电池保护继电器

25 10 头灯,左

26 20 喇叭继电器

27 5 乘客安全气囊停用(PAD)指示灯,仪表盘

28 5 无源防盗收发模块

29 15 动力总成控制模块(PCM)

See_also: 斯巴鲁节气门体再学习

30 15 动力总成控制模块(PCM)

31 20 音频单元,卫星无线电接收器

32 15 EVAP罐清洗阀,A/C离合器继电器,增压运动控制阀(CMCV),气门盖组件,左侧,加热氧传感器(HO2S)#11,加热氧传感器(HO2S)#21,歧管绝对压力/进气温度(MAP/IAT)传感器,曲轴箱正向通风加热器,EGR系统模块,可变凸轮轴定时(VCT)阀1,可变凸轮轴定时(VCT)阀2,进气歧管调谐阀(IMTV),凸轮轴位置传感器

33 15 4R70E/4R75E变速器,加热氧传感器(HO2S)#12,加热氧传感器(HO2S)#22,线圈连接插头(COP),点火变压器电容1,点火变压器电容2,点火线圈(4.2L),点火变压器电容

34 15 燃油泵继电器,动力总成控制模块(PCM),燃油喷射器,进气歧管流道控制(IMRC)模块(4.2L)。

35 20 雾灯继电器,日间行车灯(DRL)继电器,大灯,右,大灯,左,仪表组,雾灯,主灯开关

36 10 拖车拖车连接器,停车/停止/转向灯,右后方

37 20 电源点,控制台1,电源点,控制台2

38 25 低音炮

39 20 电源点,仪表板

40 20 日间行车灯(DRL)启用继电器,车身安全模块,主灯开关,多功能开关

41 20 数据链路连接器(DLC),点烟器,正面

42 10 拖车拖车连接器,停车/停止/转向灯,左后,多功能开关

101 30 启动器继电器

102 20 点火开关

103 20 ABS控制模块

105 30 拖车电子制动控制模块

106 30 拖车牵引继电器,电池充电

107 30 车身安全模块

108 30 座椅调整开关,乘客侧前部

109 30 可调节踏板开关,座椅调节开关,驾驶员侧前方,驾驶员座椅模块

110 - 未使用

111 30 顺时针(CW)电机4×4继电器,逆时针(CCW)电机4×4继电器

112 40 ABS控制模块

113 30 挡风玻璃刮水器马达

114 40 后窗加热继电器

115 - 未使用

116 30 前部鼓风机马达继电器

117 - 未使用

118 30 加热座椅模块,驾驶员侧前方,加热座椅模块,乘客侧前方

See_also: 2010年福特Fusion 3.0L V6的发火顺序

F401 30 CB 电动滑窗开关,后部,车顶开启面板模块,主窗调节开关,车窗调节开关,乘客侧



Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.