

Dan Hart

2015年Durango保险丝布置图 配电中心


F03 60安培黄色 - 散热器风扇

F05 40安培绿色 - 用于空气悬架的压缩机 - 如果配备有的话

F06 40安培绿色 - 防抱死制动系统/电子稳定控制泵

F07 40安培绿色 - 启动器电磁铁

F08 20安培蓝 - 排放传感器(仅限柴油发动机)

F09 30安培粉红色 - 柴油燃料加热器(仅适用于柴油发动机)

F10 40安培绿色-车身控制器/外部照明#2

F11 30安培粉红色 - 拖车牵引电动制动器 - 如果配备了的话

F12 40安培绿色-车身控制器#3/电源锁

F13 40安培绿色 - 鼓风机马达前部

F14 40安培绿色 - 车身控制器#4/内饰灯#2

F17 30安培粉红色-头灯清洗机-如果配备的话

F19 20安培蓝色 - 头枕螺线管 - 如果配备的话

F20 30安培粉红色-乘客门模块

F22 20安培蓝 - 发动机控制模块

F23 30安培粉红色 - 室内灯#1

F24 30安培粉红色 - 驾驶员门模块

F25 30安培粉红色 - 前雨刷器

F26 30安培粉红色 - 防抱死制动/稳定控制模块/阀门

F28 20安培蓝色 - 拖车牵引倒车灯 - 如果配备的话

F29 20安培蓝色 - 拖车牵引停车灯 - 如果配备的话

F30 30安培粉红色 - 拖车拖车插座 - 如果配备的话

F32 30安培粉红色 - 传动系统控制模块

F34 30安培粉红色 - 滑动差速器控制

F35 30安培粉红色 - 天窗 - 如果配备了

F36 30安培粉红色 - 后除霜器

F37 25安培清除 - 后部鼓风机马达 - 如果配备的话

F38 30安培粉红色 - 电源逆变器115V AC - 如果配备了

F39 30安培粉红色--电动升降门--如果配备了的话

F40 - 10安培红色日间行车灯/头灯调平装置

F42 - 20安培黄色喇叭

F44 - 10安培红色诊断端口

F46 - 10安培红色胎压监测器 - 如果配备的话

F49 - 10安培红色集成中央堆栈/气候控制

F50 - 20安培黄色空气悬架控制模块 - 如果配备的话

F51 - 15安培蓝色点火节点模块/无钥匙点火/转向柱锁

F52 - 5安培谭氏电池传感器

F53 - 20安培黄色拖车牵引 - 左转弯/停车灯 - 如果配备的话

F55 - 10安培红色DTV/DSRC

F56 - 15安培蓝色附加内容(仅限柴油发动机)

F57 - 15安培蓝色HID大灯LH - 如果配备的话

See_also: 什么是DexCool冷却剂?

F59 - 10安培红色清洗泵(仅限柴油机)。

F60 - 15安培蓝色变速器控制模块

F61 - 10安培红色变速器控制模块/PM传感器(仅柴油机)。

F62 - 10安培红色空调离合器

F63 - 20安培黄色点火线圈(燃气),尿素加热器(柴油)。

F64 - 25安培透明燃料喷射器/动力系统

F66 - 10安培红色天窗/乘客窗开关/雨量传感器

F67 - 15安培蓝色CD/DVD/蓝牙免提模块 - 如果配备的话

F68 - 20安培黄色后雨刷电机

F69 - 15安培蓝色射灯馈电 - 如果配备的话

F70 - 20安培黄色燃油泵马达

F71 - 30安培绿色音频放大器

F73 - 15安培蓝色HID大灯RH - 如果配备的话

F74 - 20安培黄色制动真空泵 - 如果配备的话

F76 - 10安培红色防抱死制动系统/电子稳定控制系统

F77 - 10安培红色传动系统控制模块/前轴断开模块

F78 - 10安培红色发动机控制模块/电动助力转向 - 如果配备的话

F80 - 10安培红色通用车库门开启器/密码/防入侵模块

F81 - 20安培黄色拖车右转弯/停车灯

F82 - 10安培红色转向柱控制模块/巡航控制

F83 - 10安培红色燃油门

F84 - 15安培蓝色开关组/仪表组

F85 - 10安培红色安全气囊模块

F86 - 10安培红色安全气囊模块

F87 - 10安培红色空气悬架 - 如果配备了/拖车牵引/转向柱控制模块

F88 - 15安培蓝色仪表板簇

F90/F91 - 20安培黄色电源插座(后座)可选

F92 - 10安培红色后控制台灯 - 如果配备的话

F93 - 20安培黄色雪茄打火机

F94 - 10安培红色换档器/换档箱模块

F95 - 10安培红色后置摄像头/ParkSense®。

F96 - 10安培红色后座加热器开关/闪光灯充电器 - 如果配备的话

F97 - 20安培黄色后排加热座椅和amp; 加热方向盘 - 如果配备的话

F98 - 20安培黄色前排加热座椅 - 如果配备的话

F99 - 10安培红色气候控制/驾驶辅助系统模块

See_also: P1768 讴歌

F100 - 10安培红色主动阻尼 - 如果配备的话

F101 - 15安培蓝色电致变色镜/智能远光灯 - 如果配备的话

F103 - 10安培红色机舱加热器(仅柴油机)/后排暖通空调

F104 - 20安培黄色电源插座(仪表板/中央控制台)

Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.