斯巴鲁 P2762

 斯巴鲁 P2762

Dan Hart


斯巴鲁P2762是一个相当常见的故障代码,其定义为:P2762变矩器锁止电磁阀电路(低)。 现在,在你做任何愚蠢的事情之前,比如跳到你需要一个新的变矩器或一个新的锁止电磁阀的结论,让我们来看看这里发生了什么。 在许多情况下,斯巴鲁P2762还伴随着P0700,C0057和C0045故障代码。 就斯巴鲁P2762故障代码的定义而言,其定义为:P2762变矩器锁止电磁阀电路(低)。作为身体症状,您可能会感到减速时熄火和驾驶时抽搐。


理解液力变矩器工作原理的最佳方式是将两个台扇对准对方。 打开一个风扇,风速将使第二个风扇旋转。 液力变矩器也包含两个类似风扇的结构。 一个与液力变矩器壳体相连,壳体通过螺栓固定在发动机飞轮上(称为 "柔性盘")。 第二个风扇与输入轴相连。风扇不是向另一个风扇吹气,而是向另一个风扇吹气。 在手动变速器中,液力变矩器取代了飞轮、离合器片和压盘。 液力变矩器允许发动机在怠速状态下继续运转,而不会导致发动机熄火。 换句话说,在怠速转速下,变速器油只是在两个风扇叶片之间 "搅动"。

驾驶时,液力变矩器的作用就像普通离合器一样,将发动机的转速传递到变速器输入轴。 但这种设置存在一个问题,即能量损失。 在典型的离合器系统中,发动机的一转等于变速器输入轴的一转。 但由于液力变矩器喷射的是变速器油,因此在此过程中会损失一些能量。 为了解决这个问题为了减少能量损失,汽车制造商对变矩器进行了改装,在变矩器内部安装了一个离合器装置,通过机械方式将两个风扇锁定在一起。 这样就能以1:1的比例将动力从发动机传递到变速器。

锁止电磁阀接收变速器控制模块(TCM计算机)发出的 "占空比 "指令,打开和关闭油道,允许或禁止加压变速器油进入离合器机构。 占空比范围从0%油流到100%油流,用于离合器完全接合。


斯巴鲁公布了一份检查清单,其中列出了需要测量的项目,以确定代码设定的原因,范围包括电磁阀短路、内部电阻过高或电磁阀接地不良。 以下是斯巴鲁规定的测试项目:

See_also: 加热器芯失效的症状

断开TCM和变速器的电气连接器,测量TCM连接器腔体B54 #26底盘接地之间的电阻。 电阻至少应为1Ω。 如果读数低于1Ω,说明线束短路。

2)接下来检查变速器连接器T4 #2和变速器本体之间的电阻。 发动机冷车时电阻应为13Ω。

3) 检查变速器内部的线束。



不幸的是,锁止电磁阀内置于变速器阀体中。 电磁阀不能作为单独部件提供。 因此,您必须更换整个阀体。 斯巴鲁技术人员发现,真正的问题往往是由变速器阀体损坏引起的。 如果您遇到 P2762 故障代码,在更换任何变速器部件之前,请咨询斯巴鲁专家。

See_also: 制动器横向偏移和DTV的原因

©, 2019

Dan Hart

Dan Hart is an automotive enthusiast and expert in car repair and maintenance. With over 10 years of industry experience, Dan has honed his skills through countless hours of working on various makes and models. His passion for cars started at a young age, and he has since turned it into a successful career.Dan's blog, Tips for Car Repair, is a culmination of his expertise and dedication to helping car owners tackle common and complex repair issues. He believes that everyone should have some basic knowledge of car repair, as it not only saves money but also empowers individuals to take control of their vehicle's maintenance.Through his blog, Dan shares practical and easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step guides, and troubleshooting techniques that break down complex concepts into understandable language. His writing style is approachable, making it suitable for both novice car owners and experienced mechanics seeking additional insights. Dan's goal is to equip his readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle car repair tasks on their own, thus preventing unnecessary trips to the mechanic and expensive repair bills.In addition to maintaining his blog, Dan also runs a successful auto repair shop where he continues to serve his community by providing high-quality repair services. His dedication to customer satisfaction and his unwavering commitment to deliveringexceptional workmanship has earned him a loyal customer base over the years.When he's not under the hood of a car or writing blog posts, you can find Dan enjoying outdoor activities, attending car shows, or spending time with his family. As a true car enthusiast, he is always up-to-date with the latest industry trends and eagerly shares his insights and recommendations with his blog readers.With his vast knowledge and genuine passion for cars, Dan Hart is a trusted authority in the field of car repair and maintenance. His blog is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep their vehicle running smoothly and avoid unnecessary headaches.